So who’s The Graduate programme for?

Very simply

Anyone out there who requires a Body Transformation

If you need to lose between 1 and 5 stone in the next 6-12 weeks…

The Graduate Programme is for you

It’s our no nonsense body transformation programme

Depending on your goal, we run a 6 Week, 8 Week and 12 Week Graduate Programme

Some of our top results of late 👇🏻

Moira- Lost 2 Stone in 6 Weeks
Paddy- Lost 4 1/2 Stone in 12 Weeks
Brenda- Lost 2 1/2 Stone in 8 Weeks

The Graduate Programme is a results driven programme

So if that’s what you need, we’re ready and waiting for you!

Here’s everything you’ll receive when you join The Graduate Programme:

✅Unlimited Sessions per week lasting 45 minutes each
✅Full Inbody Scan every 4 weeks
✅Access to our Private Facebook Community
✅A copy of our Client Handbook
✅A copy of our Client Log Book
✅Education & guidance on Calorie Counting
✅Access to private accountability group chats
✅Access to Gym outings (We climb Mountains)
✅Access to JCPT Saturday morning breakfast
✅  Free JCPT Training Top
✅  Free Graduate Training Top (upon Completion)
✅  Graduate Programme Certificate (upon completion)
✅  4 Weeks Free Jonny Carson Measured Meals (Applies only to 12 Week Programme)

That’s our formula to get you to where you want to be…

But that’s not all…

You see, our pet hate is seeing someone lose an incredible amount of weight…

But then receive no help and guidance on how to maintain their result, which leads to them gaining everything they lost

So after the Graduate Programme, we’ll offer you a spot on our Semi Private Small Group PT

Where we’ll put you through a Retainer Programme on how maintain the result you’ve achieved with us

We’ll teach you how to enjoy your favourite foods

Eat out at the weekend

And still maintain your amazing result!

If all of the above sounds like something you need…

Enquire about a place on The Graduate Programme now 👇🏻

“If you keep doing the same things you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting the same things you’ve always got”

Change that today by taking action 👊🏻

See you on the inside


Real Life People Achieving Real Life Results


What Our Client Say

Before joining Jonny’s gym I wasn’t happy with my appearance and was always feeling sluggish in the evening after work. I had no motivation to do any exercise, didn’t watch what I was eating and my physique was paying for it! I entered Jonny’s 30 Day Trial to give his training a go! Since I have started training with Jonny, I’ve lost 26cm off my body, I have more energy and feel a lot happier with everything from my fitness to my appearance so a big part of that goes to Jonny for pushing us on during the class in the gym and coaching us through the meal plan! Anyone thinking about joining Jonny’s gym and 30 Day Trial should definitely get started as in a short time I have lost 2 stone and am nearly at my target weight and body shape, I highly recommend Jonny as a Personal Trainer!
Gerard McKay | 30 Day Trial Client
I decided to do the Graduate Programme because during the 1st lockdown I enjoyed my time sat at home far too much. I had lost my fitness and shape. I was apprehensive to begin with but I had seen the results from other members and had been blown away. I also knew the JCPT team were behind me 100%. Not to mention the other members who started at the same time our group page was invaluable for encouragement and support. About 3 weeks in I picked up an injury which developed and lead me to not being able to train at all for the last 4 weeks. I was devastated! No training and second lockdown looming everything could have went out the window. But I spoke to Jonny and he advised me to stick to the nutrition plan and I would be fine. Well I did just that and kept in contact with the group and team determined to come out of the 8 weeks feeling I had accomplished my goals. Well talking of goals I Never Ever thought I could achieve getting to where I am now. I’m feeling so much better about how I look and when I can I’ll be back on that gym floor getting strong again 💪 If anyone wants to get fit and feel good about themselves I'd definitely recommend the Graduate programme and JCPT team
Brenda Neeson | Graduate Programme Client
I’d done a few other boot camp/challenge type things but could never maintain my results. I was fed up, had a lack of energy, wasn’t sleeping great and just stuck in a rut! Jonny‘s small group training is fantastic! When I first joined, I worried that I’d feel intimidated, that I’d be useless at the tasks put in front of me and that everyone would see how rubbish I was. It took me all of 10mins into my first session to realise I needn’t have worried. The craic with the other girls and guys in the group is great. We all encourage and motivate each other to keep going and “do one more rep” etc. I’ve seen lots of changes since I began working with Jonny. I have a more positive body image, my shape has changed and continues to. I’ve become physically stronger, lifting weights that a few short months ago I’d have thought was impossible. I’m able to make healthier food choices and come to realise that one bad choice isn’t the end of the world, to just try again tomorrow. Jonny has been a fantastic support both inside and outside his gym. His classes are always so enjoyable (even though it might not feel like it at the time🤣) I always come away buzzing with a sense of achievement. You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve too
Seana McMullan | Small Group PT Client
I started with Jonny and the team just over a year ago as none of my clothes fit and I knew I needed to lose weight. I thought it was an impossible task as it was 3 and a half stone to be lost. Through the ups and downs of the year the team were amazing, so I decided to do the 8 week Graduate Programme. With the help of the JCPT team and the gym family being so supportive I lost a further 2 stone in the 8 weeks and was totally delighted! The difference isn’t only on the scales, the physical and mental change in myself is the most important, feeling so positive and energetic made life through the pandemic so much easier as there was another focus and it was all positive. The most important benefit in my eyes is that I am now healthier and more energetic which makes playing with my young son so much more enjoyable and I can now physically keep up with the wee rascal 🐵
Michelle Marron | Graduate Programme Client

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